Medina Community Band will begin the 2022 summer season, a celebration of 163 years (since 1859) of presenting community concerts in Medina, on Friday, June 3, 2022, at 8:30p, in Medina’s Uptown Park Square Gazebo. Concerts will continue every Friday through Friday, July 29. A special July 4 concert is planned. All concerts will begin at 8:30p.
Concerts by the Medina Community Band traditionally last approximately one hour and are patterned after outdoor band concerts in the 1880s through 1930s and feature concert overtures, solos by instrumentalists and vocalists, as well as popular selections, and lots of marches. Community Band concerts will take place on Friday, June 3, 10, 17, and 24; Monday, July 4, and Friday, July 8, 15, 22, and 29. All concerts will begin at 8:30p
Lu Ann Gresh, president of the Medina Community Band Association, states “our members are very anxious to soon be back to performing on the square of Medina each Friday night in June and July. At rehearsals, I see very dedicated musicians giving it their all in preparation for these concerts. We are a band family. We care about each other and about our band fans. The Summer of 2022 is going to be many memorable nights of fine music in the gazebo.”
Area social and civic groups will be featured as summer social hosts providing light refreshments at a reasonable donation during each concert: Marcus Neiman conducts Medina Community Band and will be joined in the conducting duties by John Connors, Matthew Hastings, and Amy Muhl (assistant conductors).
Medina Community Band is proudly sponsored and supported by the Medina Community Band Association, composed of members of Medina Community Band. The board of directors consists of Lu Ann Gresh, president; Amy Muhl, vice president; Lindsay Hastings, financial secretary; Rodney Hannah, treasurer; Sue McLaughlin, secretary; with directors John Connors, Jeff Danilovic, Thomas Kenat, and, Kristin Thompson.
Membership in MCB is open and there are no dues or auditions; however, members are expected to maintain a regular attendance. The band rehearses on Wednesday evening from 7p – 9p in the gymnasium of St. Ambrose Church/Parish (929 Pearl Road, Brunswick, OH 44212).
Conductor Marcus Neiman commented, “Without question this has been the most unusual and unexpected adventure of my career as conductor of Medina Community Band. We still don’t feel that we are out of the COVID trials and tribulations. There remains too much uncertainty!
As an ensemble, we have agreed that, for our protection, our best course through the pandemic has been to require that all members of the ensemble are fully vaccinated. This wasn’t an easy decision, but one that the band and our governing board agreed and the conducting staff agreed was essential for our ability to rehearse and perform.
Loosing six months of playing/rehearsing time (from September through February) has been another unexpected adventure for us all. The luxury of having ample time to rehearse and determine which selections will/will not work for us just wasn’t possible. Thus, we have been pushed to make decisions based on how much rehearsal time is available and which pieces can be prepared in the time available. If there is a bottom line, it would be that the quality of each program and how musically it must be determined by our ability to prepare!
I have been amazed at the hard work and dedication of the ensemble. It is evident that they are so very happy to be back rehearsing and preparing to get up on the Gazebo to make music for our audiences. We have decided to go forward with dedication of our concerts to very special people in our band family; however, since we were not able to recognize many people since our 2019 season, we will be recognizing multiple people each week.
Without question, I want to thank our governing board, the conducting staff, section leaders of the ensemble, and each and every member of our community band for their hard work and determination to make this summer season happen.”
For additional information on the 2022 concert season or Medina Community Band, contact Neiman at 330.725.8198 or, or visiting Medina Community Band website –
Conducting Staff

Marcus Neiman, conductor
Marcus L. Neiman has been conductor of Medina Community Band since the Fall of 1972 and has served as conductor of the ensemble longer than any previous conductor in the ensemble’s history. He attended the Akron Public Schools, received his bachelor of science in music education degree from The University of Akron, master of music in music education degree from The University of Michigan, postgraduate hours at The Kent State University, and The University of Akron.
Neiman retired from posts held with the Medina County Schools Educational Service Center in 2010 (1980 through 2000 as fine arts consultant and 2000 through 2010 as director of fine arts tours and festivals). He was formerly director of bands at Medina High School (1972 through 1980). Neiman retired in July of 2016 from his position as assistant professor of music education at the Hugh A. Glauser School of Music at Kent State University where he was an interim assistant director of bands conducting the Concert Band (May of 2010 through May of 2011) and music education courses, as well as supervising music education student teachers.
Prior to his arrival at Kent State University, Neiman was a part-time lecturer for the music department at Case Western Reserve University with major responsibilities of teaching their “Foundations of Music Education” course and supervising music education student teachers from April 2004 through May of 2010. He also supervised visual arts education student teachers for The University of Akron.
Neiman was a founding trustee and past president of both the Medina County Arts Council and Medina County Performing Arts Foundation and served as music director for productions by both Medina County Show Biz Company and Brunswick Entertainment Company. He served as a committee member on the City of Medina Uptown Park Committee and Arts Under the Stars committee. A past member of Medina Noon Kiwanis Club he was a member of the class of ’94 Leadership Medina County. He was awarded the Leadership Medina County “Excellence in Education Leadership” in June of 2014, the sixth recipient of the award in Leadership Medina County’s history and the only recipient not a superintendent of a school district.
Neiman has served Ohio Music Education Association (OMEA) as a member of the adjudicated events flute solo and ensemble required list selection committee, communications, governmental relations, music in our schools, and public relations committees, district president, vice-president, state chair for Music In Our Schools and public relations, state editor of their professional journal TRIAD, and state chair for their council of supervisors. He was elected by OMEAs membership to serve as state president from July 1, 1998 through July 1, 2000 and is currently OMEAs state historian. He was awarded OMEAs highest honor, the “Distinguished Service Award” on January 29, 2010 at the Professional Development Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. Neiman has been published in Music Educators National Conference journal MEJ, The Instrumentalist, The School Musician, The Music Educator, OMEAs TRIAD, FANFARE magazine, and Bands of America Newsletter. His first book, edited for MENC, entitled Life in the Music Classroom, was published by MENC in April 1992. He is listed in Marquis “Who’s Who in America” (58 Edition).
Neiman has appeared with junior high/middle and high school, college and university, community bands, and American Federation of Musicians union professional bands as a guest conductor and in his characterization of famed bandmaster John Philip Sousa in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, (state of) Washington, and Wisconsin. On October 15, 2004, Neiman conducted the Volga Concert Band in Saratov, Russia in a Sousa-style concert following a week’s residence in Moscow and Saratov. In addition to conducting the Medina Community Band (since 1972), he formed his own professional touring band — The Sounds of Sousa Band — (in 1992) to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the formation of Sousa’s first non-military band. To this date, he has performed for over 200,000 people in the role of Sousa.
Neiman’s goal has always been to preserve the presence and character of the traditional “town-band.” In addition, Neiman has encouraged composers to write for the band. Over the years, the band has commissioned works by Douglas Court, Robert Feldbush, Stuart Ling, Edmund J. Siennicki, Tadd Russo, and David Shaffer. Neiman is a member of numerous professional organizations including the National Association for Music Education and Ohio Music Education Association, National Band Association, Ohio Alliance for Arts Education and Ohio Citizens for the Arts. Neiman is a member of Kappa Kappa Psi (University of Michigan Nu chapter, and honorary Beta Pi at Kent State University). He is also a member of Omicron Delta Kappa (national leadership society – The University of Akron – Theta Circle). He and his wife Mary Ann, who is a professional clarinetist reside in Medina with Ludwig – the cat.
John Connors, assistant conductor, is a Sergeant First Class in the Ohio Army National Guard, where he serves as the full-time Readiness Noncommissioned Officer of the 122nd Army Band in Columbus. In

John Connors
addition to these duties, he continues to perform as a trombone player and serve as drum major, where he has led the band in parades throughout the state of Ohio. 2022 will mark Connors’ fifteenth year serving in the Ohio National Guard. Outside of the Army, John remains active as a freelance musician throughout Ohio and currently plays lead trombone in the John Trapani Big Band of Canton. He has also served as trombone soloist with the Brass Band of the Western Reserve in Akron. Additionally, he performs on historical instruments with the Civil War period ensembles The 73rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment Band, The Camp Chase Fifes and Drums, and the 2nd Cavalry Brigade Band. He joined the Medina Community Band in 2002 to play trombone, and he has also played in the euphonium, horn, and percussion sections. Connors holds a Master of Music Degree in Music Education from the University of Akron (2019), Master of Music degree in Trombone Performance from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh (2014), and Bachelor of Music degree in Trombone Performance, with a minor in Jazz Studies, from Ohio University in Athens (2012). He graduated from Highland High School in 2007. Connors has studied conducting with Richard Suk and Andrew Trachsel at Ohio University, Andrew Feyes and Galen Karriker at The University of Akron, and with Marcus Neiman.
Matthew Hastings, assistant conductor, has been employed with the Wadsworth City Schools since 2015. At Wadsworth, Hastings oversees the 5th and 6th grade band programs, assists with the marching band during band camp, and serves as theatre manager for Wadsworth’s OJ Work Auditorium. Prior to his appointment at Wadsworth, he completed his student teaching experience at Donnell Middle School in Findlay, Ohio teaching grades 6-8 band and grades 6-7 general music. Hastings joined the Medina Community Band in 2018 where he plays tuba and percussion, and he is also serving as an assistant conductor for the 2019 summer session.
Hastings graduated from Green High School in Green, Ohio in 2011, and earned a Bachelor of Music in Music Education from Ohio Northern University in 2015. He resides in Medina with his wife, Lindsay and their dog, O’Malley.
Amy Muhl has been a member of Medina Community Band since 1998. Originally from Lyme, Connecticut, moved to Ohio to study music education at Oberlin Conservatory in 1991. She graduated in 1995

Amy Muhl
and taught orchestra for two years in the Willard City Schools. Amy received her masters of music education from Kent State University on a scholarship, in 1998. She then taught instrumental music at Buckeye High School, in Medina (OH) and in the fall of 1999, became the elementary band teacher for Buckeye Local Schools. In the fall of 2001, she began teaching elementary instrumental music at Central Intermediate School in the Wadsworth City Schools. After raising Eva and Simon for 5 years, Amy returned to Wadsworth Schools teaching general music at Valley View Elementary and is now back at Central Intermediate School teaching general music and choir. Amy also plays flute/piccolo and piano, in addition to being a member of Medina Community Band and Sounds of Sousa Band. She is also Vice President of the Medina Community Band Association. Amy resides in Wadsworth with her husband Frank, and three children, Kenneth, Eva and Simon.
Banding together to celebrate a new land. The Medina Community Band traces its beginnings back to 1859, when a group of local wind and percussion players got together (some with formal training – others without) to perform music for the community. That first “community band” was called The Medina Silver Cornet Band, probably since the instruments the musicians used were primarily “silver lacquer coated” cornets or percussion. Since it’s beginning in 1859, that the band has been in existence, there have been 20 directors. Marcus Neiman has served as conductor since 1972 with John Connors serving as assistant conductor (since 2015), and Matthew Hastings as assistant conductor (since 2019), and Amy Muhl, as assistant conductor (since 2022)
Early versions of the band probably existed at the pleasure of the square’s business community, who often funded the season and encouraged patrons to attend the concerts. The performance night has changed over the years, in most cases at the urging of the business community, and season concerts have been given on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings. Since the 1970s, the band has been supported by donations from the general public and, to this day, is supported through these donations. Band members donate their time and talent to rehearsing and performing for the community as members of the ensemble.
Since the 1970s, Medina Community Band has traveled outside Medina to perform: Ashland Brookside Bandstand (1980, 81, 93); Bay Village (Connections Series 1990, 91, 92); Canton (Kent State Stark Community Band Exchange Concerts 1995, 96, 98, 99); Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland Youth Winds Exchange concerts – Severance Hall – 2002 and 07, Medina, 2005); Cleveland State University (2010, 13); Dalton (Wayne County Schools Honors Bands 1983); Mentor (Lakeland Civic Band Festival 1985 and 1990); Mercer (PA) (with Mercer Community Band, 2009); Milan (EHOVE Career Center, yearly since 1993); and, Wadsworth (Wadsworth Community Band Festival 2007). In February of 2015, Medina Community Band was selected by blind audition to perform at the Ohio Music Education Association Professional Development Conference in Cleveland.
Regional and nationally known conductors have appeared with Medina Community Band. Since the 1970, the following individuals have appeared as guest conductors: David Adamson; William Bauer (Florida State University); Frank Cosenza (Mentor, OH); Albert Oliver Davis; Paul Droste (Ohio State University), John Boyd (Indiana State University); Wayne Gorder (Kent State University); John Franklin (Kent State University); Patricia Ann Grutzmacher (Kent State University); Richard Jackoboice (University of Akron); Robert Jorgensen (University of Akron); Galen Karriker (University of Akron); Jesse Leyva (Kent State University); Gene Milford (University of Akron); Nathan Muehl (St. Petersburg College, Florida); Bill Park (North Royalton Community Band); David Seiberling (Moore Community Band); Edmund J. Siennicki; and, Nathan Stark (Montana State University).
The following individuals have been commissioned, or have written, or arranged, works for Medina Community Band: Douglas Court; Albert Oliver Davis; Robert Feldbush; Percy Hall; Floyd O. Harris; Stuart Ling; Gene Milford; Bill Park; Tadd Russo; David Schaffer; David Seiberling; Edmund J. Siennicki; Gail Sigmund; and, Jonathan Tietz.
Medina Community Band is sponsored by the Medina Community Band Association composed of members of The Medina Community Band proudly supports the community band. Membership in MCB is open and there are no dues or auditions; however, members are expected to maintain a regular attendance. When in session, the band rehearses on Wednesday evening from 7p – 9p in gymnasium of Brunswick St. Ambrose Church/School, 929 Pearl Rd. (US Rte 42) Brunswick, Ohio 44212). During normal seasons, the band also presents their popular summer series every Friday, June through July, in Medina’s Uptown Park Gazebo. Each year the band presents at a winter concert, and spring concert. For additional information on the 2022 concert season or Medina Community Band, contact Neiman at 330.725.8198 or